
This week's exercise: Stretching!

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Mediocrity seems to be acceptable amongst some, at work, in groups, at school and at college. We often experience staff at shops, companies or restaurants doing just what they have to and delivering products or services of very little quality. They don't rise above expectations, do the little extra or deliver on a level which makes people smile and proud to be associated with their service or brand  in some or other way.

The challenge I propose this week is that we stretch! Stretch our minds to be more constructive, to increase our problem solving skills, to create and innovate and take our thinking to the next level. Stretch our ability to perform, to learn, to conquer, to make a difference, to emanate positivity so contagious.  Stretch ourselves physically, to run the extra kilometre, to do an extra class at gym, to choose the stairs instead of the lift, to park further from entrances so that we can fit in an extra walk, to discipline ourselves with what we choose to eat and drink. Stretch ourselves emotionally to forgive where forgiveness is due, to go out of our way to be kind, to love, live and laugh. Stretch ourselves spiritually to strive to be better, to be thankful, to be more committed and to have unshakeable faith.

Let's stretch ourselves... who knows what we will discover about ourselves along the way. Life has a beautiful way of bringing out the best in you!

Have a fabulous week.

Tamzin Martin