
Replace average with greatness!

Category: Blog Hits: 3734

I woke up this morning with a song in my heart and a kick in my step. I've been absent from writing and I've missed blogging. I'm an emotional writer, I get driven by events, successes and personal inspiration and I guess my soul has been disturbed by events and self-infliction.

I reminded myself this morning that being average is not an option. Too often we find reasons, better described as excuses, that validates why we cannot move beyond where we are, why we cannot move beyond our situation. While your situation may not be a bad one, it may not be the best and there is always room for improvement, room for growth, room for love, room to be amazing, room to be extra ordinary. I am moved and inspired by those younger than me, by those older than me, by my peers, by my loved ones to excel and not to settle for the order of the day, mediocrity.

You have so much more to give and you have so much more to pursue. We are able beings. We have been blessed with talents that's worth more than silver and gold. We have been given the tools. Step up, don't step down. Love life, don't just go through the motions. Grab opportunities, don't walk away. Move with the times, don't get left behind. Empower yourself, don't accept 'I can't'.

Today is yours. Tomorrow is not promised, but the possibility of seeing tomorrow is a great one. Do everything in your power to add positively to the lives of others. Do everything in your power to add the WOW factor to your life. Do everything in your power to replace average with greatness!

Because you can!

Thank you.
Tamzin Martin